David Hall /

Project 1 /

experimenting with CSS animations

Untitled Document

Project 2 / [an error occurred while processing this directive]

This application focuses on consumer custom fitted clothing. Tailored
is a clothing company, which retails essential articles of
clothing that can be altered for each costumer. There are no true
Universal sizes, and Tailored seeks accommodate those needs. With a
partnership from major retailers Tailored is able to keep their prices
competitive, and offer a new interesting ways to online shop.
It seems the most common problem with online shopping is the unknown of how it will
actually fit. This simple idea inspired it conception.

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Project 3 /

Tailored Prototype

This application focuses on consumer custom fitted clothing. Tailored
is a clothing company, which retails essential articles of
clothing that can be altered for each costumer. There are no true
Universal sizes, and Tailored seeks accommodate those needs. With a
partnership from major retailers Tailored is able to keep their prices
competitive, and offer a new interesting ways to online shop.
It seems the most common problem with online shopping is the unknown of how it will
actually fit. This simple idea inspired it conception.

Final Project /

Paths Application

Paths is an assistive application. The goal was to package assistive technology with a simple user interface.
The simple interface makes the application and technology more accessible, and we hope meets the needs of all users.
This application was inspired by Universal Design principles.
"For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible" (IBM)