Aishwarya Govind /

Project 1 / UI Elements using CSS animations

The basic intention behind this exercise was to experiment and learn CSS animation. This being my first attempt to use CSS animation, I tried to create the basic UI elements which exists in most of the websites. For eg, in this project I tried to experiment with hover techniques and few other elements like sliders, buttons, forms etc involving css animations.

Project 2 / SVG Animation

This is a cover page for a personal blog where I record my journey from my Country India to the United states in the form of stories and images. This project helped me experiment with SVG line animation in typography. It allowed me to further understand and learn CSS animation methods. The basic SVG was created in Adobe illustrator and code was generated to be used in the html file.


This is an experimental project to learn Javascript. This chart is designed as a basic activity level recorder in a family, shown through the family tree. In this project I learnt how to create a flow chart and the issues associated with it, eg. how to make a flow chart responsive. I also learnt to link a javascript based element like the chart.js into my html and edit it.


This is an extension of the previous project. The project was given a context , where this serves as a record of activity levels within each family living in a neighborhood. Every family has an icon which links the data regarding their activities. One family is chosen as an example to demonstrate how the site functions. In this project the site was made responsive, this helped me to learn more about using css transition techniques and media-queries.