Elizabeth Duggins /

Project 1 / [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Project 2 / Leave Your Mark

The beginnings of a collaborative gathering: By collecting image, film, and text from Manhattan residents, I hope to build a fluid narrative of the city that encompasses it’s past and as seen through the eyes of its inhabitants. Viewers submit content that is added to a generative web of stories. The web becomes interactive…easily manipulated and explored by the user.

Project 3 / Fall and Recovery

Beginning with its settlement in 1609, New York City has been the destination for a determined and resilient community. Originating from an array of cultures, the spirit of New York is realized through the rich narratives of its dwellers. Today 8 million people call this city home. Cultural movements are born here, spreading out to the rest of the world. The city is rich with history and character, constantly in motion, constantly rebuilding and reinventing itself. Recalling the history of a place is more than a nostalgic gesture. It is based on the belief that community can only happen once we gain a more fulfilling view of place. This project offers an opportunity to recognize that history and relate it to current experiences on a specific site. The goal is to develop a sense of place through a collaborative process that connects users with each other and also with those who came before them.

Final Project / Trespass

Trespass is a public estate located in Staten Island’s Greenbelt Forest. Abandoned since 1975, the estate crumbled into ruin and became a haunted legend that only the most daring trespassers visited. Trespass has been restored as a public estate that the community can visit to take part in the site’s rich history. This website allows users to navigate through the history of the place as if reading a book.